torsdag 10. april 2014

Hitting the dreadful wall

Hello again!

I do realise it has been ages since I last wrote anything.
There have been alot of times where I wanted to, but I never got myself to.

For this entry I wont be talking about any spesific cosplay-craft-thing.

This entry is going to be about hitting a wall during a project.

And I am hoping that this will maybe prevent someone from doing the same mistakes as I did.

Back in early March I had a week off of school.
There were no classes and no assignments.
So I decided to take that time to start sowing my dress.
I traced patterns, cut out pieces of fabric, and started sowing
(I will be posting entries regarding this at a later time )
I was spending countless hours day-in day-out,
JUST focusing on the costume.

I am sure I have mentioned this earlier in my blog,
but I am a kind of person who get's this "must finish" feeling
whenever I am having a project of some kind.

Must cut out- Must sow- I'm tired- Must get it done- Must work
-I need to sleep- Must finish project!

I start to ignore the fact that I am exhausted. That I need a break.
And in the end I'm a grumpy zombie who just wants to keep sowing.

(Yes I just made that JUST for this statement)

To be honest, I hardly sewed anything!
The tracing and cutting took ages.
And I spend ages just getting a sowing machine ready.

One day I hit the wall.
The dreadful wall.

I was tired, but insisted on still sowing.
First thing I was going to sow was a thing called "Piping"
Or "Bisebånd" in Norwegian.

Picture from this tutorial

And For a complete noob to try that was really hard.
I sewd and sewd. And finished the first piping.
Or atleast I thought. I realised the piping looked off.
Something was definitly wrong.

So I decided to unravel the stitches and start over.
It was also then I realised that I had put the sowing machine
on really small stings, so unravelling took ages.
Then I managed to rip a hole in the fabric.

Given the fact that I was already really tired at this point,
I broke down. I rushed the fabric to the sowing machine,
and somehow i broke the machine needle.

The unraveling.
The hole.
The broken machine needle.
The lack of sleep.

It all piled up.
And I hit the wall.

I left the sowing room. Closed the door.
And didnt open it for the rest of the week.

It killed my will to sew. And I have been avoiding the project for some time.
Until recently when my mom started asking me about it.
Saying I couldnt just give up.
She told me to take small steps.
"Sew only one piece each day, or each week!"

And that is what I am doing now.

I take tiny steps. Where I only sew little by little.
When I'm with the sowingmachine about to finish a piece,
I feel the thoughts of "Must finish" build up.
But I ignore them. I finish my piece and leave the room.

When I went to stitch togheter the
GIGANTIC HOLE- as my mind kept thinking.
I was faced with a tiny hole, that was easily fixed.

And now it's not even visible!
I can't help myself from laughing when I think back to how much I panicked.

So if you are ever facing a big project, take small steps.
Don't get carried away

And if something were to go wrong.
-Take a deep breath.
-Go rest
-And face the problem tomorrow

Don't hit the wall
- And don't give up.

This turned out to be a rather long entry.
But it was an entry I felt I needed to write.
Mostly for my own sake.
I need it written down.
Take small steps and relax

Have you ever hit a wall during a project?
- or because of something else?

I will be coming back with more entries soon!
So stay tuned!

~Cosplay Noob Tuva~

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